Thursday, February 13, 2014

17 Ways to Deal with a Difficult People

Image courtesy of franky242/FreeDigitalPhotos.Net
A lot of us have to deal with “difficult” people on a daily business. It could be people you work with, people you just run into or even people in your family. Here are 17 ways to deal with difficult people.

1. Understand the Problem
            Is there a specific reason that someone is being difficult? Most people have a reason and aren’t being difficult just for the fun of it. If you know this person well, people always benefit from having someone to talk to. Find out what’s going on and then try to put yourself in their perspective. If it’s not someone you can talk to, practice giving people the benefit of the doubt.

2. Take a Different Perspective
            Perspective is how we view the world, so what happens when you try to take someone else’s perspective? Put yourself in their shoes. Your understanding might become different. Is there something they have experienced in the past that makes them defensive?

3. Avoid Conflict
            Did your mother ever teach you if you don’t give someone what they want they’ll eventually get bored and leave you alone? If you think about it, did you notice you picked on your siblings or friends just because it got an entertaining reaction? Yep. I know I did. So, if people constantly pick on you, don’t give a reaction. An example might be if someone is criticizing you or giving unwanted advice, say thank you and move on with your life instead of fighting back. There’s no reason to create conflict when it’s really not needed.

4. Don’t Change Yourself
            As I mentioned in the previous section, difficult people often like to provide ‘criticisms’ or ‘suggestion’ on how you should change. Don’t doubt yourself and don’t change yourself because of a few suggestions someone made. Obviously they aren’t that important if they are the only one is saying them.

5. Pick Your Battles
            Not everything has to be a battle. Save your strength for things that are important.

6. Be Compassionate
            It’s really hard to fight with someone who is being compassionate. It may be incredibly difficult sometimes, but it will be worth it. Act the way you want to feel. Being compassionate puts you on an entirely different level and no one can disagree with compassion and kindness.

7. Know Your Own Triggers
            Know what makes you angry and how to handle your anger. Some things you might not be able to avoid, but if you prepare for it you will be able to handle it better. Most problems happen over and over again and if you know they’re already difficult, you can see it coming.

8. Define Your Boundaries
            It’s ok to set boundaries; in fact its highly recommended good practice with everyone. I was often the type of person that just let people walk over me until one day I decided against it. Turns out to be the best decision I ever made! There are a lot less ‘difficult’ people in my life because of it. Or if they are difficult they aren’t that way with me.

9. Be Polite
Once again, it’s kind of like be compassionate. You can’t fight against that. Can you even picture arguing with someone who is being polite back to you? It just doesn’t work.

10. Talk – Don’t Explode
            When you have a disagreement or something you need to address with your difficult person, talk – don’t explode. Talk nicely and calmly and don’t yell. If you don’t yell hopefully they won’t either. If they do, then stay calm and be the bigger person. Nothing is ever solved when you’re yelling at each other. Be assertive, not aggressive.

11. Be Honest!
            It’s ok to be honest! Don’t feel like you have to hide everything. If people keep attacking you and saying hurtful things confront them on it. Explain that that was rude and you feel hurt and it’s not going to be tolerated. If you’ve got something you need to say it’s ok to say it, just say it nicely and tactfully. Everyone deserves a chance to speak up for themselves.

12. Use “I Feel” Statements
            Use “I feel” statements instead of “you” or accusatory statements. If you’re having a conversation with someone and they start saying things like “it’s your fault” or “you made me do this” do you not automatically shut off and stop listening? Or maybe you do listen, but you become defensive. By using “I feel” statements there’s no blame. Everything is in your perspective and it leads to a much calmer conversations than the blame statements.

13. Look for the Good
            Everyone has a bit of good in them. Even if that good is they’ll be leaving in the next few minutes it still helps. Being positive could make all the difference. Appreciate the good and give credit for it. Try to get to know people more, it shows effort on your part and it will completely take them by surprise and they might return the favor.

14. Clarify Misunderstandings
            This can be one of the biggest communication problems with everyone. Clarify what you don’t understand, especially if this message is being passed on to you through someone else. Talk directly to people and ask questions. Not only will this keep things clear, but they will hear your questions and see that you’re actively paying attention and listening. It never does people good to ‘pass messages along’ and have things get out of hand.

15. Use Reflective Listening
            By being a reflective listener I mean being active in using empathy. Listen, and then reflect back what you just heard in different words. It shows that you are listening and truly trying to understand what she is saying. No arguments can come about through use of reflective listening either. For more information visit a previous blog post entitled "Empathy In Action - How to be a Reflective Listener" posted through Wasatch Family Therapy. 

16. Compromise
            Make compromises with each other. Don’t always feel like you’re the person who has to “cave.” Make sure things are equal between you. This can also be part of boundaries. It’s important to realize that everyone has different expectations and it is possible to meet in the middle.

17. Most important of all…

            No matter how hard you try, you can’t change other people. You can only change yourself.

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